DMBA Legal Statement
DMBA's Disclaimer, Confidentiality & Copyright Statement
DMBA*, along with our online partners, supplies all information posted on this website. While we try to maintain only current and accurate information, we disclaim any implied warranty or representation about its accuracy or completeness, or appropriateness for a particular purpose. As the recipient of this information, you assume full responsibility for using the information at this website, and you understand and agree that DMBA is neither responsible nor liable for any claim, loss, or damage resulting from its use.
The mention of specific products or services at this site does not constitute or imply a recommendation or endorsement by DMBA, unless it is explicitly stated. The views and opinions of authors do not necessarily state or reflect those of DMBA. Nothing contained, expressly or implied, at this site is intended or shall be construed as medical, financial or other professional advice by DMBA. This website may provide specific financial or health information, which may or may not be applicable to your individual situation. Specific questions or concerns about your individual circumstances should be directed to appropriate professionals.
This website may contain links to other websites for your convenience. The information posted on these other websites may be protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. DMBA disclaims any responsibility for the content, information or the privacy and security policies contained on those other websites, and does not exert any editorial or other control over those sites.
Important Confidentiality Notice
Please be aware that DMBA cannot guarantee the confidentiality or security of any information you send to us, or information DMBA sends to you over the Internet. By using DMBA's online forms, and/or providing DMBA with your email address, you authorize DMBA to respond to you using email. DMBA shall not be liable for any breach of confidentiality resulting from such use of email via the Internet. Be sure to consider the content of any questions, the location of your email account and who, besides yourself, may have access to it.
In regard to our interactive Web services, DMBA treats all data that we receive as confidential. We will not disclose to third parties any identifying data, including name, mailing address, email address, phone number, Social Security number, or any other identifying information, unless you authorize such disclosure or such disclosure is allowed by law. You can review the Privacy Notice if desired. To ensure privacy of your data, never share your password with anyone unless you want them to have access to your data. If you divulge it to anyone, they will have access to view and change both your medical and financial information. DMBA uses the industry standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption to protect information passed between your browser and our website.
Copyright and Limitations on Use
Copyright © 2001 DMBA. All rights reserved. The information posted on this website may be protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. It may be displayed, reformatted and printed for personal, non-commercial use only. Any copy of information obtained through the website must include the copyright notice. Removing or altering the copyright notice on any material on this website is prohibited. Use or misuse of DMBA's trademarks, service marks or logos is expressly prohibited and may violate state and federal law.
*Deseret Mutual Benefit Administrators
Deseret Mutual Insurance Company
Deseret Mutual Employee Pension Trust
Deseret Healthcare Employee Pension Trust