Serving Employees of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
outside of the United States
(We do not administer programs for other employers) Countries Around the World
- Albania
- Angola
- Argentina
- Armenia
- Belarus
- Belize
- Benin
- Bolivia
- Botswana
- Bulgaria
- Cambodia
- Cameroon
- Canada
- Cape Verde
- Chile
- Colombia
- Congo-Brazzaville
- Cook Islands
- Costa Rica
- Czech Republic
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Dominican Republic
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- Ethiopia
- Fiji
- French Polynesia
- Ghana
- Guadeloupe
- Guatemala
- Guyana
- Haiti
- Honduras
- Hungary
- Ivory Coast
- Jamaica
- Kiribati
- Laos
- Liberia
- Madagascar
- Marshall Islands
- Micronesia
- Mongolia
- Mozambique
- Nicaragua
- Panama
- Papua New Guinea
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Poland
- Romania
- Samoa
- Sierra Leone
- Tanzania
- Togo
- Tonga
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Uganda
- Ukraine
- Uruguay
- Vanuatu
- Venezuela
- Zambia
Our Purpose
To support the mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its affiliates by helping our plan participants be healthy and prepare for retirement.
Services We Offer
Pension Programs
Retirement benefits based on average salary and years of work.
Savings Programs
Retirement funds accrued through invested contributions from the employee and the employer.
Medical Programs
Financial assistance for certain medical expenses.
Life Benefit Programs
Financial protection in case of death or serious injury.
Our Team
Josue Becerra
Language: Spanish
Lori Thomas
Area: Europe & Africa
Natalie Quilter
Project Manager
Gabe Arnold
Area: Latin America
Language: Spanish
Kellie Komatsu
Area: Asia & Pacific
Language: Mandarin & Korean
Chris Redford
Area: Canada